Titan Network Management System

Titan is a Network Management System (NMS class) for centralized DWDM equipment managing and integration with external IT systems (OSS/BSS)
• support for a distributed mode of operation based on a cluster
• synchronization with equipment in real time
• use of SDN protocols Netconf/YANG

System topology

NMS provides information about the network structure, the general state of communication channels between them at different levels of network organization.
The following topology views are available:
• by type of communication channels (physical/OTS/OMS)
• Domains/Nodes
• levels of network organization ("Main", etc.)



Fault Management

The NMS aggregates data on the occurrence of abnormal situations on the equipment of network elements of the DWDM network received from element management system (EMS) and controls the entire life cycle of emergency messages.
The function provides:
• prompt detection and localization of alarms
• determining their severity and possible causes
• notification of service personnel
• processing and storage of accident records, taking into account changes in their state

3_Fault Management

NE Management

Performance Management

The function collects performance statistics, identifying and resolving problems before they affect the availability of communication channels or lead to equipment damage.
Performance indicators include:
• operating parameters (voltage, current, temperature, output power, gain, etc.)
• performance indicators (duration of operation since power on/reboot, BER, etc.)
• notifications about the output of the values of the observed parameters from the range of acceptable values (TCA — Threshold Crossing Alert

Configuration Management

The function provides the following operations:
• backup in automatic and manual modes
• restoring the configuration from the created copies
• multiplexing and cross-connection
• channel settings
• time synchronization


The NMS collects and stores the following data registered on the EMS and received from all network elements:
• control system start event
• managed object database change events: (standalone object state change events/configuration change (user-initiated) / user actions (RPC)

The event log is stored in permanent storage (on the server), the storage depth is not limited.


The NMS provides information about the current composition of the equipment of the DWDM-system network elements.
The user has access to a graphical representation of the chassis of the network element selected in the Topology and the units installed in it with the corresponding list of AID components, as well as the inventory section with tabular equipment data.

4_3_PM Gauge

PM Gauge



Software Management

The NE software management function provides the following operations:
• loading/deleting package and bundle files with NE software updates
• storage of downloaded packages and bundles in the appropriate repositories
• launching the installation of updates
• update status control


• control of connections to NMS
• security logging
• creating/editing/deleting user accounts
• assignment of user access rights


Provides control of the state of network elements and the status of their synchronization (NE Control), viewing the list of IP addresses of network elements and their testing (IP Addresses), viewing system messages (Task Queue, Syslog)

Export table

Report management provides the ability to export data from NMS partition tables to files on the user's local computer


Технологический стек решения:

Графический пользовательский интерфейс NMS – JavaScript/TypeScript.
Backend NMS – C++
Нереляционная база данных MongoDB.
Модули для расчёта параметров – Python.

Поддержка российских ОС:
Astra Linux
Astra Linux Special Edition (Astra Linux SE)

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